I have been in a funk. A big, ol' fat funk. I am fat. Yesterday, a friend of mine who is a big girl, referred to the two of us as big girls. That took me aback. I have never thought of myself as a big girl. I workout (did, anyway), eat right (still do for the most part), and keep active. It stopped me in my tracks when she said that. And I realized how much weight I have gained and how fat I really am. And wow, am I one not happy camper about this. I have been wallowing and in my wallowing have not been going to the gym and have been indulging in foods that I would normally only consider a weekend treat.
That 20 pounds that I wanted to lose 2 months ago (or whenever it was I posted my to do list) is now 25 pounds. And while, yeah, it's only 5 pounds, it's five pounds when I already needed to lose alot more than 5 pounds.
The gloves are off, bitches and it's on.
I am starting walking at lunch TODAY, not tomorrow, TODAY.
I am firing up the Wii TODAY, not tomorrow, TODAY.
I am eating right.
I am not drinking Dr. Pepper whenever I want.
I am getting active again and taking my life back.
I do not want to be a big girl (if you're a big girl and don't care, then that's fine for you, not me).
I am joining a new gym this week.
I will lose this weight.
I will get fit.
I will not be a big girl.
I will be me again and that is what really matters.