Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Welcome Back!!

Today, I was on the phone with Laurie and she said welcome back. I said from where? And she mentioned how I had been absent from chats, I hadn't been texting or calling her, etc. and she is right. I had really withdrawn from my friends. This whole business with the condo, I referred to this a couple blogs ago, is really getting me down. I am attending a lecture this evening on Mindful Stress, being taught by my friend Julie. One of the things she talks about is "creep". Where stress doesn't just slam you with one big stress-y thing, but rather wheree many stressful things creep up on you and the need to recognize the accumulation of this stress.

My stresses -
the condo
the move
the weight
the money

She also talks alot on the need to breathe. I don't do mindful breathing, but I will. I also need to take more walks. I have begun taking walks at lunch along the bay. It amazes me how it sets me up for the afternoon. Instead of being all yawny and whatnot, I won't say I am energized, but I am definitely more focused.

I hope I can use what she teaches me to put me back in a better mind set. Even though I say I have made my peace with losing the condo, clearly I have not. And I need to. I can't change it, I can only survive the process and move on with my life.


  1. Now I've got "I will survive" by Gloria Gaynor stuck in my head!

    If anyone can do it, it's you!!!

    And yay me for inspiring this entry's title!

  2. HA! I always said that was my theme song, I guess now I am really putting it to the test!!
