Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Brags, stats, and YIPPEES!!!

First, the brag. My brother in law Phillip will be receiving a Bronze Star medal for meritirious acheivement in combat. He kicks ass and I couldn't be any prouder of him if he were my own brother. We love you, we thank you for your service, and we are SO very proud of you!!!

Second, the stats. In Laurie's blog this morning, she talked about checking her stats. I had no idea you could do this!! So apparently, Laurie and I are quite the international phenoms!!

United States 73
India 9
Australia 8
Ukraine 3
Canada 1
France 1
Netherlands 1
Slovakia 1

Viva Slovakia!!! I had a lovely lunch on the Slovakian border, it was delightful.

So now, on to my yippees!! At the risk of jinxing myself, I am posting this for 3 Ukrainians to see, I sold the condo. *HUGE sigh of relief*. Closing is set for October 15, I have rented an apartment, and I am due to move on the 12th. Finally. Once I get past the stress of getting moved, I foresee much better sleep in my future.

Oh, and I have food poisoning. Yay me!!


  1. YAY for being popular w/ the Slovakians &for selling the condo!!! Phew!

  2. Congrats to your brother in law!! From one veteran to another, thank you for your time and sacrifice.

    And congrats on selling the condo!! I'm sure that will be a *HUGE* weight lifted off your shoulders. :)

    I think The Universe is just trying to set you up for having an awesome year next year...hence the rush to get things lined up for it this year... :)

  3. Thanks! :)

    I hope you're right about the Universe!!
