Monday, June 8, 2009

Ahh, jet lag, how I hate you so...

Greetings from California. Happy to be home, thank you!! I survived my week in DC. Last year, I went a little overboard in my actions that were not to be repeated, so I think this year to protect myself from my own stupidity, I was all but a hermit. Skipped the final party, skipped multiple nights drinking in the bar, and even managed to walk about 6 miles a day.

This weekend, I learned that I am not a fan of pictionary. Really. I suck at drawing and my guessing skills are subpar to say the least. I opened every round of guessing by randomly yelling man, woman, child, pickle!! We didn't win. I also made it to the Sunset Celebration Weekend. SO much fun. SO much food. SO much shopping. I managed to pick up tarragon champagne vinegar, kaffir lime olive oil, and meyer lemon simple syrup. Yum!! I also am notorious for taking bad pictures, but Susan took this picture of me and I just love it!!

Then, today, it was back to work and reality. Ugh. But I have cookies, so really how bad can life be!