Monday, November 30, 2009


I got a Cricut!! Now, I know, everyone has one except me, but now I have one too!!! First on my list to buy is It's Cold Outside. I tried to buy it this weekend, but stupid M store didn't have it. I will try JoAnn's this weekend. Here I was thinking I was done with Christmas cards... silly me!!! I do need to get my mind off Christmas and onto SPRING!!! I am giddy with the thought of all the spring cards, I can make! Flowers, watercolors, sunshine.... What do you mean it's still winter??
Here is a card I made -

Tis the season!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hairstravaganza Day Whatever

Today's hairstravaganza involves BotticelliBotanicals FSG, I bought it from her Etsy store, then layered over it (as usual) with HETT. I think it looks awesome, but that's just me. :)

Oh, I keep forgetting to update my To Do list from lo these many months ago. The Thesis. That's right, I have FINISHED the THESIS!! Now if I could just get someone to tell me what I need to do to submit it, I would be a happy camper. I am taking Friday off to get some errands done, this weekend is shaping up to be hectic. I am "hopefully" meeting Strutt's Wife this weekend. I am very interested in seeing if she can type my hair for me and give me some product/care suggestions.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hairstravaganza Week 2

So, in my attempt to keep switching it up, today's hair involves Donna Marie MiraCurl Jelly layered with HETT for hold. Pretty good, I think, definitely a keeper.

This weekend we hiked Atrastradero Preserve and then amused ourselves with a doggie Halloween poluck. Sadly, I had no costume for Millie, I am sure she was thrilled. Next weekend we are hiking McNee Ranch State Park. I need to get my new boots ordered, mine are dying a slow death!!

I finally finished my planners for Kati and Tori, I followed a pattern borrowed from Taylored Expressions. Pictures to follow soon.

Friday, October 30, 2009


So recently, someone who's opinion I trust, told me that I should be switching up my hair products and not use the same things day to day. I conducted a VERY casual poll on to see how other curlies felt about it and most of them agreed with her. Interesting. I am a creature of habit, I guess. If a product routine works for me, then I see no reason to to not use it. That being said, I do have an arsenal of samples ordered from KM, so maybe it is time to switch it up a bit!!
Yesterday, I used Donna Marie Curling Gelly and layered over it my standby of HETT. Nice curl formation, love the way it smells. No pictures.
Today, I used Amourai Organics something, a free sample I got off and again, layered over it with HETT. I have some frizz, but for the most part, it's good.

Next weeks trials will include Kinky Curly Knot Today, Kinky Curly Curling Cream (?), gelles'c, and Curl Junkie Aloe Fix gel. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blue Cross/Blue Shield strikes again

So, in July, when I was planning my outpatient procedure, I called BCBS and said, I am having blah blah blah done. Is it covered? She says, yes. Nothing more, just an unequivocal yes. Imagine my surprise, when today, I get an explanation of benefits saying I owe $500 for the procedure. Nice.

I call BCBS and I say, I am sorry, there must be some mistake. I called you people and YOU told me this was covered. And she says, oh it is, but you have to pay 15%. I say, ok, but I CALLED YOU PEOPLE and YOU told me it was covered. She says, yes, but in the benefit book, it explains all this and you have to pay 15%. Ok, but I CALLED YOU PEOPLE and YOU told me it was covered, so, if in reality, only 85% is covered, then perhaps you might have wanted to explain that to me instead of just telling me it was all covered.

It irritates the everliving crap out of me, that I go the extra mile, I call in advance, I cover all my bases and STILL BCBS finds a way to stick it to me in the end.


Maybe it's time for me to find a new insurance company.

You hear that Blue Cross Blue Shield???? Thanks for nothing.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Following blogs

I am following all these fantastic specialized blogs about curly hair, hair care, makeup, etc., and I realize my blog has no direction. It is a mish mash of thoughts and whatevers with no cohesive pattern. And 1 follower. But really, who would follow a pointless blog (I know you do it out of love, booyah). So, do I need my blog to have a point? Or am I ok with it being a meandering path of whatever crosses my mind and followerless.

I think I am ok with it as it is. If it were to have a direction, then I think I would feel compelled and forced to write more coherently. This way, I can continue to be lazy and meander-y.

I got bangs. Kind of. Yay for kind of bangs!! This afternoon I am getting a new color too. Look at me, all fancylike!!

I have checked almost nothing off my to do list, I have not finished my thesis, I have not lost 20 pounds (managed to gain some instead), and I have not painted my kitchen. I have, however, bought a wii, made new friends, took Millie running on the beach, and made some neat Halloween cards. So, I am not completely lazy, just selectively so.

Happy Fall!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

To Do List


Seriously, I think there is something wrong with me. I know what it is, I am SO tired of this stupid thesis that I hate even thinking about it. I have one, max TWO hours of work to do on it, and I just can't bring myself to do it. Good thing that it's a kickass thesis!

2. Buy new phone.

This is relatively simple to accomplish and I will be accomplishing it this weekend. My must haves - internet and apps. I am thinking Sidekick, but who knows what I will walk out with.

3. Paint kitchen cabinets.

This I might do over Labor Day weekend. I was going to do it this weekend, but I am beyond tired. So, this weekend so far consists of new phone and napping. Also buying a new toy for Millie, she needs a new toy. Really!!

4. Lose 20 pounds.

This is taking a mindset change, but I am working on it. I am great at exercising, I am not so great at eating. So, the plan is the royalty plan. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. The main part of the plan is lean proteins and healthy carbs. Hopefully, I can get my act together and do it right.

That's it.

4 little things.

I can do this, right? Right???

Monday, June 8, 2009

Ahh, jet lag, how I hate you so...

Greetings from California. Happy to be home, thank you!! I survived my week in DC. Last year, I went a little overboard in my actions that were not to be repeated, so I think this year to protect myself from my own stupidity, I was all but a hermit. Skipped the final party, skipped multiple nights drinking in the bar, and even managed to walk about 6 miles a day.

This weekend, I learned that I am not a fan of pictionary. Really. I suck at drawing and my guessing skills are subpar to say the least. I opened every round of guessing by randomly yelling man, woman, child, pickle!! We didn't win. I also made it to the Sunset Celebration Weekend. SO much fun. SO much food. SO much shopping. I managed to pick up tarragon champagne vinegar, kaffir lime olive oil, and meyer lemon simple syrup. Yum!! I also am notorious for taking bad pictures, but Susan took this picture of me and I just love it!!

Then, today, it was back to work and reality. Ugh. But I have cookies, so really how bad can life be!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why are you single? Why doesn't a nice girl like you have a boyfriend?

Well, let me tell you why.

Friday I had a lunch date with a nice gentleman. British/Greek descent, ex-rugby player, current architect, nice guy. First date. Lunch. So there we are, enjoying our meal, when he says.. Do you believe in past lives.


I say, no, not for me, but you know, fine for other people. Who am I to judge.

He starts telling me about his past life that he remembers. He was an Army Colonel, he had to retake the trenches in this battle, he got shot 17 times, oh, and he was German.

I say, World War I? He says no, II.

Yes, folks, in his former life, my date was a Nazi.

The end.

And yes, that IS why I am single. I won't even bother retelling the story of the date who took me ot the food court for dinner and then wanted to watch porn back at my place.

Now mind you, these are people I have spoken to on the phone, these aren't random crazies that are blind dates. So clearly, they have learned to wait to show the crazy.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day

How many people, I always wonder, take the time to treat Memorial Day with the respect it deserves. We always go to all the cemetaries in town and place flags and flowers on the graves of those who have gone before. Does it mean more to us because we are a military family and we understand the price soldiers pay? Or does everyone understand how important it is? I don't know.

This year I will not be going home for the holiday so I will miss out on the flowers, flags, and stories. The stories are the best part. Remembering, laughing, crying, and laughing some more.

I hope everyone has a wonderful, safe holiday weekend.

My love and thanks to:

Uncle Jerry, died 1997, Col. USAF Retired
Grandaddy, died 1984, Col. USA Retired

And to every other soldier who served for our country, my thanks, gratitude, and undying appreciation.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

The first

I always start off with the best of intentions with blogs, then I see something shiny and wander off. We'll see if I have changed any or if this is yet another blog in the existing series of failed blog attempts.

Of course, I think I can do more with this blog, like upload greeting cards I have made and crap like that.

This weekend, I have to do research. I can not TELL YOU how much this irks me. I was under the impression I was done with my thesis. Sadly, I had the complete wrong impression. Some day. Luckily, I love my topic. Actually, I guess that's not really luck because why would you write your thesis on a topic you didn't love. See, I am not bright, but at least I recognize my not brightness.

So, why, you make ask yourself (go ahead, I'll wait) would I start a new blog if I fail oh so oftenly (see, SO not a word) with the others. I did it for Alida, she is on a *whatever*, which is not to be confused with a journey, and I thought, well this could be fun, I will whatever with her. So here I am and there you are and hopefully there are also cookies.